31 May 2012

Just so y'all know, I'm not the only artist in the family. My husband, Kevin, has an MFA in Film and Television from the Savannah College of Art and Design, and for the past two years he's been adding to that body of knowledge by teaching himself computer graphics -- modelling, rigging, animation, the works. Today, after a month's work, he's graduated from test shots to a full short: "Rendezvous."

Needless to say, I'm incredibly proud of him and of all the hard work he's done.

29 May 2012

Couple of images from my current sketchbook. The top's done with a Sharpie pen (not marker), which I highly recommend as a cheap alternative to microns or other technical pens (they're not as pure black, but when you scan something in straight b/w rather than greyscale, there's no difference). The bottom's done with ink washes with a brush.

26 May 2012

Some small oil pastel studies I did for practice last semester. One random canid and three spotted hyenas.

09 May 2012

A couple of drawings from my new sketchbook. The pencil drawing's right on the inside cover (draw on ALL the pages), which my scanner Did Not Like (tm). (Actually, my scanner doesn't seem fond of anything that isn't a completely flat piece of paper, but oh well. Gotta work with what'cha have.)

07 May 2012

Bunch of scans from my last sketchbook. Some ink, some watercolor, some colored pencil, this and that and the other.

(The little spotted dude with the stick was inspired by Olmec "werejaguar" statues; I was taking Art and Power in Mesoamerica at the time.)

05 May 2012

Some bats from my last sketchbook. Ink, some watercolor, some colored pencil.

04 May 2012

Dabbling with comic strip format. Catharty the turkey vulture, Chloe the Capybara, and Z the lioness. (Chloe's my favorite.) Ink and watercolor.

"Fiver" -- watercolor final project for Painting Survey class.

02 May 2012

Two spotted hyenas, ink and watercolor. Personal work, experimenting with the medium as well as practicing minimal anthropomorphizing -- visually humanizing an animal with as little change to its physical form as possible. Changing just the eyes and mouth does wonders.

01 May 2012

Bookplate assignment for Joan Mansfield's "Illustration Media and Techniques" class. Scratchboard with digital enhancement (color and text).